Curriculum Vitae


Research Assistant Professor in Health and Behavioral Economics (2023-Current)
Washington State University - Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine - Institute for Research and Education to Advance Community Health, Seattle, Washington

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Health and Behavioral Economics (2020-2022)
Washington State University - Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine - Institute for Research and Education to Advance Community Health, Seattle, Washington

Senior Research Assistant  (2012-2015)
Claremont Graduate University – Center for Neuroeconomics Studies, Claremont, California 


University of California San Diego, San Diego, California (2015–2020)       
PhD in Management. Dissertation: Essays in Behavioral Economics

Pomona College, Claremont, California  (2010–2014)

BA in Economics, Minor in Asian Studies



·       ·        Austin Henderson, Robert Rosenman, Amber Fyfe-Johnson, Tori Taniguchi, Joy Standridge, Tyra Shackleford, Clemma Muller, Jason Umans, Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan. The cost-efficacy of a healthy food box for managing hypertension within a native American population: a group randomized controlled trial. Arch Public Health 82, 59 (2024).

·       Austin Henderson, Amber Fyfe-Johnson, Denise Dillard, Krista Schaefer, Michael Todd, Clemma J. Muller, Jason G. Umans, Robert Rosenman. Tradeoffs between Accuracy and Health Outcomes in Algorithms for Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices. Health Services Research & Managerial Epidemiology 11 (2024) doi:10.1177/23333928241253686

·       Tori Taniguchi, Jessica Williams-Nguyen, Clemma Muller, Amber Fyfe-Johnson, Austin Henderson, Jason G. Umans, Joy Standridge, Tyra Shackleford, Robert Rosenman, Dedra Buchwald, Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan. Pilot Study of a Heart-Healthy Food Box Intervention for Native Americans with Uncontrolled Hypertension: Methods and Results from the Chickasaw Healthy Eating Environments Research Study (CHEERS). Forthcoming at Health Education Research

·       Austin Henderson, Richard MacLehose, Spero M. Manson, Dedra Buchwald. Stress in Urban American Indian and Alaska Native Men and Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Associations with Infection and Testing. Revise and resubmit at Quality of Life Research

·       Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan, Tori Taniguchi, Cassandra J. Nguyen, Sara M. London, Austin Henderson, Tara Lauren Maudrie, Stephanie Blair, and Tvli Jacob Food Systems, Food Sovereignty, and Health: Symposium Shares Linkages to Support Indigenous Community Health. Health Promotion Practice 24.6 (2023): 1109-1116

·       Cassandra J. Nguyen, Rachel E. Wilbur, Austin Henderson, Jennifer Sowerwine, Megan Mucioki, Dan Sarna, Gary Ferguson, Tara L. Maudrie, Harleigh Moore-Wilson, Kyle Wark, Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan. Framing an Indigenous Food Sovereignty Research Agenda. Health Promotion Practice 24.6 (2023): 1117-1123

·       Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan, Tori Taniguchi, Cassandra J. Nguyen, Sara M. London, Austin Henderson, Tara Lauren Maudrie, Stephanie Blair, and Tvli Jacob Food Systems, Food Sovereignty, and Health: Symposium Shares Linkages to Support Indigenous Community Health. Forthcoming at Health Promotion Practice 

·        Cassandra J. Nguyen, Rachel E. Wilbur, Austin Henderson, Jennifer Sowerwine, Megan Mucioki, Dan Sarna, Gary Ferguson, Tara L. Maudrie, Harleigh Moore-Wilson, Kyle Wark, Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan. Framing an Indigenous Food Sovereignty Research Agenda. Forthcoming at Health Promotion Practice 

·        J Nikolaus, Selisha Johnson, Tia Benally, Tara Maudrie, Austin Henderson, Katie Nelson, Trevor Lane, Valerie Segrest, Gary L Ferguson, Dedra Buchwald, Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan, and Ka’imi Sinclair. Food Insecurity Among American Indian and Alaska Native People: A Scoping Review to Inform Future Research and Policy Needs. Advances in Nutrition (2022) 

·       Alex Meyers, Austin Henderson, Corry McDonald, and Jerrod Keith. Factors Associated with Matching into Surgical Specialties. Journal of Surgical Research 270, 300-312 (2022) 

·       Corry McDonald, Austin Henderson, Patrick Barlow, and Jerrod Keith. Assessing factors for choosing a primary care specialty in medical students; A longitudinal study. Medical Education Online 26, 1 (2021) 

·       Austin Henderson, Garrett Thoelen, Amos Nadler, Jorge Barraza, and Gideon Nave. Testing the influence of testosterone administration on men’s honesty in a large laboratory experiment. Scientific Reports 8, 11556 (2018) 

·       Gary Charness, Uri Gneezy, and Austin Henderson. Experimental methods: measuring effort in economics experiments. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 149, 74-87 (2018)

Papers Under Review 
·       Austin Henderson. Auditing with Rewards for Honesty and Punishments for Cheating. Under review at Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy
Austin Henderson, Richard MacLehose, Spero M. Manson, Dedra Buchwald. Social Determinants of COVID-19 Infection in American Indians and Alaska Native Peoples. Under review at International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services.
·       Austin Henderson, Krista Schaefer, Azhar Uddin, Richard MacLehose, Spero M. Manson, Dedra Buchwald. Barriers to COVID-19 Testing among American Indian and Alaska Native People. Under review at Health Promotion Practice.
·       Austin Henderson, Krista Schaefer, Richard MacLehose, Spero M. Manson, Dedra Buchwald. Barriers to COVID-19 Testing among American Indian and Alaska Native People: Comparisons between Patient and Provider Perspectives. Under review at Public Health Reports.


Selected Working Papers 
·       Austin Henderson, Azhar Uddin, Richard MacLehose, Spero M. Manson, Dedra Buchwald. COVID-19 Infection and Job Loss in American Indian and Alaska Native Patients in Five Urban Indian Health Care Facilities.
·       Amanda Boyd, Azhar Uddin, Austin Henderson, Richard MacLehose, Spero M. Manson, Dedra Buchwald. Communication about COVID-19 with Urban American Indian or Alaska Native People: The Role of Health Literacy, Trust, and Information Source
·       Amanda Boyd, Austin Henderson, Azhar Uddin, Richard MacLehose, Spero M. Manson, Dedra Buchwald. Protecting Culture, Community, and Elders: Perceptions about COVID-19 with Urban American Indian and Alaska Native People.

Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, European Economic Review, Nature Human Behavior

Recent Presentations 
2022 Norwegian Tax Authority Symposium on Behavioral Economics

2022 IREACH Junior faculty seminar

2022 Indigenous Food Sovereignty and Health Symposium, Washington State University 25th

Anniversary of Memorandum of Understanding with Regional Tribes Faculty Showcase

2023 Washington State University School of Economic Sciences Invited Seminar



2020 Instructor, Global Business Strategy

2015-2020 Teaching Assistant, Courses include: Global Business Strategy, Managerial Economics, Experiments in Firms, Strategy, and Negotiation

Ph.D. Coursework

Behavioral Economics, Development Economics

Highlighted Courses 
Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Designing Field Experiments, Microeconomics PhD Sequence, Econometrics PhD Sequence, Macroeconomics of Development, Microeconomics of Development, Labor Economics

Professional Organizations

2022-Current       Association for Economic Research of Indigenous Peoples

2020-Current       Institute for Research and Education to Advance Community Health Methods Core

2020-Current       Indigenous Collaborative for Health, Agriculture, Nutrition, Growers, and Environmental                                   Sovereignty

2020-Current       Partnerships for Native Health

2020-Current       Health Economics Working Group

2022-Current       Association for Economic Research of Indigenous Peoples

2015-2021            Economic Science Association

2017-2020            Academic Editor of Rady Business Journal

2017-2019            President of UCSD Rady School of Management PhD Association


Programming: Stata, Python, R, LaTeX, Qualtrics, Z-Tree, Python, SQL

Research: Study design, experimental methods, laboratory experiments, online experiments, incentives, randomized controlled trials, electronic health records

Analysis: Linear and non-linear regression, mediation analysis, machine learning (Lasso, clustering, random forest), non-parametric tests

Certifications: NIH Human Subjects Protection, UCSD Introduction to College Teaching,

Alaska Indigenous Research Program, SQL, Python

Personal Interests

Tennis: Played competitively and for leisure
Weight lifting

Cooking: Avid home cook, fermenter, and brewer

A .pdf of my CV is here